When Parents Text

My brother Geoff sent me a link to the most hilarious web site, www.whenparentstext.com. It's hysterical! I don't think my texts to my kids are all that funny; I clearly need to put more effort into using emoticons and being goofy and overbearing (though they might disagree). But I do find some of their texts pretty darn humorous. My youngest has a way of trying to negotiate with me about his curfew and sleepovers with his friends (even when he's grounded) that is both exasperating and dear. In the manner of whenparentstext.com, I have titled Willem's text, and I'm calling it a found poem:

Hope Springs Eternal

Hi mom
Im just checking in im at Myles house
He invited me to sleep ovr and i said i couldn't is that ok

Tuna Casserole

Mom, can you make some food
for my Spanish class party?

Sure, what did the teacher ask you to bring?

A tuna casserole.

?!? Why a tuna casserole? People haven't been eating that since the 1950's!
And also, don't you want Mexican food, like enchiladas?

(patiently, as if I should already know this) No, mom. The girls in the class are bringing Mexican food. Senor Ortiz asked me to bring a tuna casserole.

Um, ok. But are you sure that's what he said?


Ok then.

Wheels in Motion

Tonight I took Willem to a screening of Wheels4Life: The Film, which documents the work that Hans Rey's foundation is doing in Tanzania to bring bicycles to people who desperately need transportation in order to work, get to school, or get medical care. Hans is a world-famous mountain biking champion and local legend; he is to trials riding what Tony Hawk is to skateboarding--the original and best, a godfather of sorts. The film was incredibly moving; I was blown away by the difference Hans and his wife Carmen are making in the world. Willem was too, and said so.

The screening and after-party was hosted by our friend Andrew Herrick's company, Crank Brothers (they make high-end, design-y bike components) and was open to the community. So, in essence, Crank Brothers opened their doors and turned their annual holiday party into a raucous, festive fundraiser for a very worthy cause. How great is that?! I found out later that something like $19,000 was raised, all of which will go toward Wheels4Life projects in India and Africa.

I love living in Laguna for many reasons. But I think what I love the most about it is the many creative, talented people here who use their power for good. My heart is full.

raffles, live auction
raucous fun for a good cause
love is in the house


David is in Hawaii, his last business trip of the year (thanks be to God!) He emailed me this picture of a turtle who looks like such an absolute sad sack that it made me laugh. But come to think of it, I'm feeling about the way this turtle looks--kind of beached and depleted. I've been struggling with my commitment to write every day and have gotten behind and am trying to catch up. I don't feel very Christmasy and the poetry is just not coming.

Help, I'm stuck!
Can someone give me
a shove toward the water?